The WA Museum Boola Bardip is currently host to the new Dinosaurs of Patagonia exhibition which features life-size casts of dinosaurs alongside a perplexing variety of fossils and new finds. While you can catch this display at any time during the day, come Friday evenings the doors will be open for a boozy night at the museum with The Bar Before Time.
As you roam at your own pace amongst the gargantuous structures with a drink in hand, the ambiance will be amped up with a trail of music and pop-up talks giving you all the prehistoric information that you might’ve zoned out of as a kid in school.
The Bar Before Time launches on Friday July 8, and the entertainment for this session will include a local duo, Fernanduo, featuring flamenco and classical guitarist, Matthew Arceo and jazz guitarist, Oliver Vonlanthen. In terms of history, the Head of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Dr Mikael Siversson, will be around to discuss the creatures that once called your backyard their home.
The Bar Before Time understands those post-work dinnery needs too and will provide a fare of carnivorous and herbivorous offerings to keep you going between 5pm and 8pm. It’s a great opportunity to explore something new in Perth City right in the crux of winter – the cold weather doesn’t mean zero fun!
The Bar Before Time requires a ticket upon entry and is open to those that are aged 18 and above. It will be running every Friday night from Friday July 8 until October 21, excluding July 15 and 29, and October 7.