It’s no secret that Western Australia (WA) is home to some of the best beaches in the world, as well as marvellous natural habitats and scenery. And one of WA’s landmarks has caught the eye of an internationally acclaimed fashion designer.
Danish jewellery experts, Trollbeads have unveiled their latest creation in honour of Lake Hillier in our state’s south-eastern region. The iconic pink lake sits within Middle Island near Esperance; and although off-limit to the public, Trollbeads has captured the lake’s charm so it can quite literally be in arms reach.
The wearable version of Lake Hiller is hoped to simulate the sensation of living by a stunning piece of nature. The bead’s deep hues closely resemble the glorious pink pigment of the 600-metre length lake, along with gold embellishments that are reminiscent of waves.
Co-CEO of Trollbeads Australia, Jono Gelfand says, “We are honoured that Trollbeads has created an exclusive bead that pays tribute to Lake Hiller – one of Australia’s unique natural treasures.”
“Australia is an important part of this Danish accessories brand, with our own Princess Mary being a fan of Trollbeads.”
Trollbeads has been crafting collectible handmade jewellery since 1976, and now the full collection is available at its flagship Australia store in Melbourne’s South Yarra or online.
The beauty of Lake Hillier has left local and international tourists across the globe jaw-dropped. And although a four-hour and 45-minute drive from Perth City, you can get your saline lake fix at Lake Magic near Wave Rock, or soak and float in a swimming hole near Perth.